Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Svadhisthana Chakra: Flow

Working with the energy of second chakra, we move slowly, like the waters of a deep and full meandering river. Or like the surface of a pristine mountain lake moves from wind gusts. Or like the continuous pulse of the ocean tides. Forward and back. In and out. Push and pull. Rippling, rippling, rippling.

Water, creation, shakti, flow, sensual, feeling, liquid. 

For the last month, in class, we have focused on the second chakra, Svadisthana, which translates to mean "self-sustaining". Gary Kraftsow, in his book, Yoga for Transformation, explains this well. He says that taste is the primary sense which corresponds to this chakra. We use taste to judge whether we like something or not. Taste represents the flavor of not just food but also relationships with "other".  It is a way to measure our appreciation of the essence of something. 

Feeling the reality of duality. When second chakra develops, roughly between the ages of 6 months to 2 years, the child begins to sense separation of Self from "other" (see Eastern Body, Western Mind). The outer world meets the inner world through the interface of the five senses and the environment in which we live. Desire develops. Due to sensory data received, we begin to seek things, experiences, foods, that give a desired feeling. One key aspect of the second chakra is the right to feel. With a healthy balanced second chakra, we feel for the sake of feeling. Pleasure, pain, discomfort, warmth, cold all of it. Without judgement, without holding on to any one feeling. 

Raw energy, raw information. Let it flow to fully experience the outer world. 

Allowing the continuous push and pull of feeling, emotion, and waters through second chakra we open up to experiencing and embodying shakti (creative essence) in all ways. Cultivating connection and awakening to shakti gives rise to our own individual creativity. As it awakens, we move upwards into the third chakra, into action, manifestation. 

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