Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Soul Needs Daily Nurturing

Nature cannot be forced. Growth cannot be forced. Like a seed needs to be planted in the depths of
darkness in the fertile ground, watered and tended to daily in order to sprout, grow, mature and fruit to its fullness; we too must tend to our deepest potential, to that center of our being that wants to break free of its protective shell and pour open, melt with the light of the sun and sit on the altar of the universe.

Like the seed, there exists a perfect alignment when it is ready to send roots and sprout; for the sprouting of our inner radiance, all bodies (mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical) must be clear and aligned. Supreme alignment is in our nature. But we get thrown off center, out of balance and cover up with layers of fear because we forget again and again that we are the seed, we are the sun and the universe all in one small container, the body, which is so powerful and confusing at the same time. It is fear that keeps us from living to our highest potential. Sometimes it is simply the fear of how high and far we can actually fly that keeps us tethered. For if we take off, it usually requires letting go of something. To align with the divine we must constantly tend the garden of our heart and allow the intelligence of nature to unfold and evolve. 

In the Yoga Sutras 1.14, Patanjali explains the meaning of abhyasa, uninterrupted continuous practice. It is through faith that we cultivate the patience and energy to continue to practice under any circumstance; when we feel depleted, full, radiant, angry, or depressed. And we must practice with satkara, willingness, reverence, and devotion.

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