We have the energy and power of the sun contained within us. Manipura chakra is the power center, our solar plexus, inner sun. Here we generate power through digestion, assimilation and transformation of latent energy into usable energy. Power is generated through the breakdown of the energy stored in the food we eat, through the expansion of breath, the passion of our hearts desire, from the swelling and regulation of emotions and from our spiritual essence.
This is the place that we hold ourselves together with such strength and fluidity and equally the place of collapse and coiling inward when we cant hold it all together. Structurally, there is only the spine holding the lower and upper parts of the body together. Here, major organs and tissues are soft and squishy, somewhat "unprotected" and vulnerable. We must cultivate personal will and engagement of muscles to build protective strength, to stand up straight and tall, to hold it together.
Interestingly, this is also where we were connected by a cord of lifeblood in the womb, fully dependent on our mother. And at birth, severed. Giving us no choice but to coil into the Self, and learn our very first lesson of separation. The Self folding in on itself. And still when we are born, we are completely dependent on our caretakers.
This is one of many paradoxes of the human experience. We are all connected, born of the same blood, dependent on one another. Yet alone in the dense confinement of body and ego. Longing for connection, and the immersion into the sea of Bliss, of God, of Unity consciousness.
In this separation, ego develops. Because it has to. On our own, ego and fear helps to protect the body from real life threats; like bears, venomous snakes, a cliff's edge. These things remind us of how fragile and vulnerable we are as humans. Ego becomes proud to protect and serve. Power grows and ego grows. But left unchecked, we are burdened with fear and lose connection with the power of our heart and our source.
When energy is bound or stuck in third chakra, its a good time to look at our relationship with power and control. Too much energy here can often express itself in the need to try to control outcomes, attachment to results, and there can be a deficiency in grounded energy that allows for surrender and letting go; and fear shows up in the unknown, the unpredictable, in the possibility of "losing control."
Not enough energy in third chakra, power is weak, it may be difficult to get anything done, and we lack the power to take necessary action, to stand up for ourself and we allow others to make decisions for us, or be in control. Deficient third chakra energy follows the path of least resistance (energy stuck in lower chakras, as water and Earth do); and/or energy from above - spirit, consciousness, passion - is unable to integrate and assimilate into the body, and again it is difficult to put anything into action, to manifest dreams or visions. Fear can show up in relationship to asserting oneself, in expressing authenticity, fear of judgement and of change.
Not enough energy in third chakra, power is weak, it may be difficult to get anything done, and we lack the power to take necessary action, to stand up for ourself and we allow others to make decisions for us, or be in control. Deficient third chakra energy follows the path of least resistance (energy stuck in lower chakras, as water and Earth do); and/or energy from above - spirit, consciousness, passion - is unable to integrate and assimilate into the body, and again it is difficult to put anything into action, to manifest dreams or visions. Fear can show up in relationship to asserting oneself, in expressing authenticity, fear of judgement and of change.
Without a strong clear grounded lower chakra development (safety and security) we can easily be lost in an on-going identity crisis rooted in the fear of judgement, ridicule, and abandonment from our tribe. And without the descending energy from above, we can feel disconnected to a higher purpose, and forget that our actions have meaning, significance and consequence.
Regardless if our third chakra center is excessive or deficient, the unfounded fear that can show up here holds us back from taking the actions necessary to unleash our potential and the burning desire of the heart (sankalpa). What we need is to bridge the energies of the third and fourth chakras (heart).
The ego, the power and strength of the third chakra can play a supportive roll for the passion and fire of the heart to lead the way. Just as fire (third chakra) needs air and space to burn efficiently and steadily, we can create an opening in the heart for the fire to breathe our heart's desire into action.
The ego, the power and strength of the third chakra can play a supportive roll for the passion and fire of the heart to lead the way. Just as fire (third chakra) needs air and space to burn efficiently and steadily, we can create an opening in the heart for the fire to breathe our heart's desire into action.