I am at a loss on how to explain these issues to her.

We are ALL affected by every action, every thought on the planet whether we are asleep or awake.
Gandhi said, "If you want real peace in the world, start with the children."
It starts right here. Right now. At home.
Let's change the story. Love stories never grow old.
Minutes before we sat down to watch The Sound of Music for the 100th time. Ash wrote in her tiny little notebook. And than read it out loud to me. It went something like this, "If you can forgive, than everyone can forgive. If you can love, every heart can love. Love never dies." My eyes welled up. My heart melted. I don't know where this came from. How does she understand forgiveness? Maybe she is feeling the vibration of what is happening right now in the world. And maybe, just maybe, she is feeling a higher frequency of collective souls that are feeling those same hopeful words.
I am feeling it too. I am nauseous and at a loss for words and a loss of what to do.
My heart keeps telling me to pray. To find others to pray with. To infuse the ether with love and forgiveness.
Love does not have to be taught. Its a natural state. Its a birthright.
Love does not have to be taught. Its a natural state. Its a birthright.
We just have to let it Be.