Sunday, February 14, 2010

Embodying Bhakti

Having become pregnant, I have been faced with many challenges. Most of them relating to the emotional and mental bodies. One of the greatest challenges I am faced with, is the process of letting go of what I think is my identity and trusting that whatever changes are occurring are aligned with the expression of my true potential.

Yoga has changed my life, and my love of yoga as student and teacher is deep and insurmountable. Yoga sustains me; yoga keeps me truly alive. It is sometimes frightening to foresee the possibility of the yoga that I know now and identify with, change into something yet unknown and different.

The choice to give it up and stop practicing, and stop teaching altogether crosses my mind often as I face these changes. However, deep in my heart I know that this is not the right choice for me; actually I don't consider it a choice. Staying true to the path that I know is right for me is the only choice. Giving up is the easy way. Staying devoted to the practice of yoga under all circumstances, when challenging, easy, boring and confusing is the sadhana. This is living yoga; living in the flow of life.

We can intellectualize all the knowledge in the world, but its not until real life experience occurs and opens to the embodiment of wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! This change you are undergoing, the change into a mother, is profound and hard and very rewarding. Just allowing yourself to feel all the emotions with these changes is key. I love you!
